
Lyrics of the songs (Budddhist Sutra)

Lilics -Explained Translation –

1.  Shiki soku Ku 色即空

諦羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦 羯諦羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦

摩訶般若波羅蜜心経 観自在菩 行深般若波羅蜜時 照見五蘊皆空 

度一切苦厄 舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空空即是色

*from “Heart Sutra”

Let’s awaken enlightenment

Let’s awaken it always immediately.

The wisdom to cross the river,

and reach enlightenment of the pureland

was produced from the mercy of Avalokiteśvara

Everything that’s happening was created by your heart,

and it’s on the way to disappear.

When you awaken to this, your suffering disappears.

And you start to create your life under your control.

Because your heart creates the phenomenon,

including your life.

2.  Peace Pagoda 平和パゴダ



我証菩提、以仏神力、利益衆生 発菩提心、修菩薩行、


*from “Worship sentence for Śarīra

Let’s be mindful, concentrate and worship Buddha.

Buddha, you are the full merits of the universe…

The true reality of your heart, body and ashes,
are the Great Spirit of the Universe.

Spirit of Buddha is in the Pagoda,
It is the three thousand worlds itself.

When I worship the pagoda,
I enter into Buddha and Buddha appears in my heart.

I receive the power of Buddha and awaken to enlightenment.

With the majestic power of Buddha, I give merit to people.

That is why I seek enlightenment
and dedicate my life to Bodhisattva practice.

Let us worship Buddha now.

If you enter into the world of deep enlightenment,
Non-duality wisdom will be produced from your existence.

3.  Wisdom Ocean 智慧の海

オンボウジシッター ボーダハダヤミー
オンサンマヤ サードバン 

*from the Mantra of determination for enlightenment and the Mantra of
the contract for keeping sil

願似 此功徳 平等 施一切
同発 菩提心 往生 安楽国

  *from “whole transference sensence

Let’s seek the wisdom of enlightenment
and the determined ambition to practice.

Because you are the Bodhisattva
who fulfills your vow and wishes for all sentient beings.

May we donate the merit of the practice to all.
May we all have ambition to seek enlightenment.
May we all rebirth to the world
infinite joy and peace.

4.  Aiyu-sui 愛癒水


Let’s seek the wisdom of enlightenment
and the determined ambition to practice.

Because you are the Bodhisattva
who fulfills your vow and wishes for all sentient beings.

May we donate the merit of the practice to all.
May we all have ambition to seek enlightenment.
May we all rebirth to the world
infinite joy and peace.

5.  Twelve lights 十二光

無量光仏 、無辺光仏 、無碍光仏 、無対光仏

炎王光仏 、清浄光仏 、歓喜光仏 、智慧光仏

不断光仏 、難思光仏 、無称光仏 、超日月光仏

  *from “Amitayus Sutra”

一切精霊生極楽 、上品蓮台成正覚

 *from the “Vairocanābhisaṃbodhi Sūtra”

I praise the
Immeasurable, Boundless, Unhindered,
Incomparable, Majestically Flaming

…Light of Buddha.

I praise the Pure, Joyful, Wisdom, Constant

… Light of Buddha.

I praise the
Inconceivable, Indescribable, Surpassing Sun & Moon

… Light of Buddha

I All unsaved spirits should be reborn to Pure land,
the world of infinite joyfulness.
And they receive enlightenment on the highest lotus tower.

6.  Kanzeon 観世音

観世音 観世音 ボーディ・サットヴァ 南無アミリタ

観世音 南無佛 与佛有因 与佛有縁 佛法僧縁 常楽我浄
朝念観世音 暮念観世音 念念従心起 念念不離心 

**from “Enmei Jukku Kannon Sutra”
*back voice : from “Avalokiteśvara Sutra” (part of Lotus Sutra)

I take refuge in Buddha.
May the suffering of all beings be healed

By Buddha and the teachings,
I will be awakened to Buddha nature, which is deepest in my

I share the merit of awakening,
constant purification and joyfulness in the heart,
with those people with whom I have a karmic relation.

To share the merit with others,
I will be mindful to Avalokiteśvara
In the morning when I wake up, and in the night when I sleep.

Even though if anything happens in my mind,
My mindfulness will never leave from you.